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Surprising Facts About Sedation Dentistry in New York, NY

BY tribeca north dentistry

If you have dental fear, you might probably be thinking of two things: refuse to go to the dental clinic and sacrifice your oral health or fill yourself with courage and see the dentist while you are trembling on the inside. But did you know that you can get the care that your mouth, teeth, and gums deserve without going through a lot of anxiety and discomfort?At Tribeca North Dentistry, we understand that not all people are comfortable about undergoing certain dental procedures. So to give help to our nervous patients, we provide Sedation Dentistry services in which local anesthesia and laughing gas are made available.

Local anesthesia is administered to the affected gums of the patient through the use of a needle. After its application, numbness and pain relief is expected. On the other hand, Laughing Gas is received by inhaling through a mask with gas and oxygen. Patients are sure to relax and feel calm during the procedure when they invest in this type of sedative.We encourage patients to take advantage of these two alternatives instead of neglecting their oral health due to fear. If you don’t know much about the procedure, here are facts that might surprise you:

  • The masks used in laughing gas comes in different sizes. They are designed to benefit both young and adults.
  • Dental fear and anxiety are not just the only conditions that need sedation dentistry. Those who are having a difficult time to sit still or patients who find it challenging to control their body movements are good candidates for the treatment as well.
  • One of the best things about laughing gas is that it comes in multiple flavors! Kids and kids-at-heart patients can savor the taste and smell of grapes, orange or cherry in a mask.
  • Sedation dentistry is not anymore a new practice. In fact, it was already present thousands of years ago.
  • Dental sedation is one great investment if you want to acquire the appropriate dental care that you need while conquering your fear at the dental chair.

Everyone deserves an anxious-free, comfortable dental experience. Avail of our Sedation Dentistry services in New York, NY. Book your appointment with us at Tribeca North Dentistry!

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